Sunday, April 10, 2011


            I want to clear something up. The dummies thing does not mean that people who are disabled are dummies. I was referring to those books that help when you don't know what to do. Which is most of the time for me.
            This weekend was hectic as usual. I try to get hubby out as much as possible. He doesn't  drive anymore which is good as he may choose the gas pedal instead of the brake. We have this memory problem. When I left the house he said I hope your name is the same when you get back. well that's what I live with.
             Something I have done is make a daily list.Up at 7- shower -shave-brush teeth. 8- breakfast-pills-paper, 9-exercise,10- snack etc. If we change the schedule all heck breaks loose. He is very confused. So this really works. But you have to list everything or it will not be done. gotta go but I will get better at this. Please be patient. Bye


  1. I finally found you!!! Keep on blogging. You will be surprised at folks who will read and not comment,but you may be surprised at who comments.

  2. yay! So glad to get to "hear" your voice again!

  3. Hello, I figured I would chime in with the rest of the family. I must say, the trip to Toronto was one that I'll never forget.If you still can't figure out who this is, ask Theresa.
